Friday, February 27, 2009

NOT recommended.

I just had the most awesome sleepover with my friends. We watched like...5 movies. It was epic. But one movie that was SO GAY it was a waste of money, was Taladeaga Nights. so stupid. It tried to be funny, but it was terrible. One movie you SHOULD see tho, it Slumdog Millionaire. I personally haven't seen it, but i've heard it was awesome, and it got like...8 or 9 Oscars at the awards ceremony last week. =D And my sister says it's good, so go and see it lol.

What's also a good movie is SAW 2. The first one was okay, but it was more like an intro to the second one. And it had a sad ending ( in my opinion) Like. REALLY sad. I felt so bad for Adam. He was left there all alone. It was terrible. But the second one was good. To was more of a horror film, and more suspensful, which was epic. The ending esp. was awesome.

So. Saw 1= Sad
Saw 2= Epic
Taladeaga Nights= NOT recommended.

Saturday, February 21, 2009


Holy cow. So i just found out that one of my friends is a cheerleader. Thats awesome considering he's a boy. Dan is pretty awesome in general, so this just blows my mind. I hope he's not gay tho o.o
I kinda like him, and that would be awkward xD lol ANYWAYS. Had an awesome day at work. Some lady tried to rip me off, and it's happened to my other friend before too. (same lady i mean) but overall, we ended early, so i ended up chasing my friend around with a spoon because she wacked me with it xD it was so much fun, and it made work less boring. We had fun, which was good becasue it was sooooooo SLOW. holy cow.

I'm excited because i get paid soon (hopefully)

end quote: cheerleading boys-----------------> HOT.


Thursday, February 19, 2009


Wow. Epic fail. My friend just pwnd me by publishing this under the title "something gay" lol.
So yesterday i worked for teh first time by myself. It was boring/crazy. Like all at once i got billion customers. And then they all left. I was like *dies* And some lady got pissed at me me becasue i didn't know the ingredients in this loaf of ROUND bread. Oy. But overall it was good. I also got scared out of my mind. One of the bag boys came up behind me and i kicked over the garbage can i was putting a new bag in. It was funny, but i was like....AHHHHH. and then another one was like... good job, you scared her. xD i was so embaressed.

Nothing huge to say.

EXCEPT that i only have one pair of jeans left becasue they all ripped in the coarse of a month. x_x but it gives me an excuse to go shopping =) I'm also going to dye my hair black and light layers. But i'm scared it's gunna look terrible. But if it does, i know my friends will tell me (which may or may not be a good thing) jkjk. Love you guys.

My epic point today: gg. (goodgame) for i just got pwnd.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Lets take the moral high road on this one. or at least try to to.

Today we had our school dance today. A danced, etc. Bu then when i asked someone to dance, i apparently "stepped on his feet" and now he's talking to one of my other bf's about it. I'm so embarrassed. I just wanna be his friend, because he's actually an okay guy. Like really. But now he thinks I'm weird or something. So now I'm sad. AGAIN letting my emotions get the better of me. I guess that's why i chose emotionalrampage. *sigh* I guess i have to work at it.

My comment of wisdom for today: "I could chose to be offended but i think I'll take the moral high road.....or at least try too."

Fantastic huh. [note the sarcasm]

Oh Canada?

Okay so my friends wants me to kill her.
LOL I just owned her. :)

ANYWAYS. So today in French class we had to sing Oh Canada becasue a year today the winter olympics in Vancouver are starting. So the people in Vancouver wanted to celebrate by singing Oh Canada, at 11 o'clock today. x_x wierd huh? Why not just wait till next year to sing it?

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Why so tedious? Lets put a smile on that face.

So i started my first job today. It was pretty awesome, epically with one of my bf training me. Twas very interesting. But i have only one complaint. My feet hurt. Otherwise it was awesome. It was only me and my friend was a good teacher,sage,elder,person. =D

So my question is: Why so tedious? Lets put a smile on that face.

Work may not be uber exciting, but you can still make it fun!

My dad= judgemental control freak

So my dad saw me writing my last blog post yesterday, and gave me a lucture about gossiping. Fantastic huh? My sister was like "He's a hypocrite.Ignore him." But i guess what he said must have sparked something within me, because I did try to be nice to Sarah, despite our differences today.I even gave her a hug! You know what I got? IGNORED. Like i said. She's a total jerk.

My Conclusion? My dad= judgmental, and he obviously has no idea about what goes on it teenage girl lives.

Something else I'd like to point out is that I'm WAY TOO nice for my own good. I'm always lending out money and homework, and where does it get me? Broke. One of these days someone will catch someone else with MY homework, and we'll both get in trouble. It's not like I'm rich or anything. I NEED the money I have. But I'm a sucker for a sob story. Especially when it comes to boy begging me to help them or lend them some money. I'll admit it. I have a soft spot when it comes to helping people out.

Like I said. I'm a sucker for a sob story.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The moral of the story.....

So while i was doing the dishes like.....15 mins ago. I was thinking about what i wanted to say in my second blog post ever. Maybe you want to hear about my day? Maybe about all my worries and sorrows? maybe that i hate my friends? (which i certainly do not!). I was like. wtf. screw this. I'll just type what comes to my mind.

1. Alex is really annoying to talk to on msn. (it's true)

Haha. my closest guy friend who needs to work on manners. And acting un-gay. He can be a jerk, but he is totally clueless when it comes to sexuality. which i think is hilarous. We can crack so many sexual jokes, and he will have no idea wtf we're talking about xD

2. I REALLY dislike this girl named Sarah at my school.

She's a huge b---jerk. I atcually have a huge dislike for her. I mean. She acts like she's so much better then everyone else. I wish i could push her off her oh-so-high cloud, and drag her down to the real world. Where she's not a pretty as she thinks she is, or as nice. It bothers me she's so haughty about everything too. Something else that bothers me is the limitations that society puts on us. The way we can act or dress. I wish i could just be me sometimes. But no. If i'm different then I'm labled the freak. or wierd. or loser. or n00b.

I wish i was more like Alanna the Lioness. At charater from a Tamora Pierce series. She was brave and friendly, but she was coragous. And she stood up for whatever she belived in. Plus. she was pretty good with a swoard. Although i do prefer a katana to a swoard. :) PLUS she had purple eys. I mean. Who WOULDN'T want purple eyes? That's be awesome.

Or even superman. Me was pretty cool. HE COULD FLY. who wouldn't wanna fly?

The moral of the story? Fantasy charaters= awesome. Real life=fail.

Lemme clear this up for you

People (mostly boys in general) always tell me that when a girl is very emotional, that mean's they're PMSing. I'd like to clear this up. Now, as my name is emotionalrampage, does not mena that I'm pmsing or horny all the time. It does mean that i have a sensitive nature (if thats what you want to call it), and that the things i do, say, people i hang out with affect my emotions. Now it is true however that MY emotions are more.....dominent? when i'm pmsing. But that does not mean it's true for all girls!

One of these days I'll be able to control my emotions. But as for now, I guess i have to deal..