Thursday, February 12, 2009

Lets take the moral high road on this one. or at least try to to.

Today we had our school dance today. A danced, etc. Bu then when i asked someone to dance, i apparently "stepped on his feet" and now he's talking to one of my other bf's about it. I'm so embarrassed. I just wanna be his friend, because he's actually an okay guy. Like really. But now he thinks I'm weird or something. So now I'm sad. AGAIN letting my emotions get the better of me. I guess that's why i chose emotionalrampage. *sigh* I guess i have to work at it.

My comment of wisdom for today: "I could chose to be offended but i think I'll take the moral high road.....or at least try too."

Fantastic huh. [note the sarcasm]


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. LOOOOOOL ahem at first lets say i didn't know who it was. THENNN i read the first few sentences and that totally gave it away hehehehe

  3. hello. I know you, and you know me. I totally know who the guy is, and I know who your bf is. I'm no stalker, you know me. Am I creeping you out? i hope I am. You can kill me tomorrow.
